Clinic Hours:
M/T/Thu (12:30pm-5pm),
Wed (7am-5pm)

Endoscopy Hours:

M/T/Thu (7am-12:45pm),
Fri (7am-2pm)

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p 919.870.1311
f 919.881.0822

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2011 Falls Valley Dr.
Suite 106
Raleigh NC 27615

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Author Archive

Seven Ways to Avoid Travelers’ Diarrhea

It’s finally time for vacation and you’ve planned the trip of a lifetime! You’ve got the perfect travel wardrobe, the perfect itinerary, and the perfect companions joining you (and yes, the perfect companion can be yourself if you’re stepping out for a solo holiday). This trip is to an exotic location, somewhere to jolt you…

The Foods of Mood

Maybe you’ve noticed that certain foods and drinks can really turn your mood around (or upside down). For instance, the day you leave home in a rush and forget your cup of coffee, you feel sluggish and are more prone to snap at your coworker. Or that late afternoon cookie break gives you a sudden…

Zantac – A Warning From the Food and Drug Administration

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has discovered that a chemical impurity known as NDMA has been found in certain lots of Zantac (Ranitidine).  NDMA is considered a probable human carcinogen.  The substance was also discovered in various blood pressure medications a year ago which prompted the FDA to recommend recalls of these medications. The…

So You Have Barrett’s Esophagus…Now What?

To your surprise, after your esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD), your doctor tells you that you likely have Barrett’s esophagus. Maybe you’ve heard of it on a public service announcement about acid reflux and esophageal cancer. Or maybe it’s a brand-new term to you. Regardless, we have you covered. Let’s take a look at what Barrett’s esophagus is…

Grill Food Poisoning off the Menu

Summertime is the time to grill. But grilling is made for sharing, and who better to share all that scrumptious yumminess with than friends and family at a picnic? Afterwards it’s card games, tossing a Frisbee around, a dip in the pool, telling inside jokes, and… Food poisoning? No one wants food poisoning on the…