Clinic Hours:
M/T/Thu (12:30pm-5pm),
Wed (7am-5pm)

Endoscopy Hours:

M/T/Thu (7am-12:45pm),
Fri (7am-2pm)

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p 919.870.1311
f 919.881.0822

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2011 Falls Valley Dr.
Suite 106
Raleigh NC 27615

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Author Archive

Your Pancreas and You

Chances are, the only time you’ve heard of an organ in your body called the pancreas, it had to do with cancer. Celebrities like Patrick Swayze and Steve Jobs both died highly publicized deaths of pancreatic cancer. But what is the pancreas, and what does it do in the body? Let’s take a look. The…

Nourishing Your Gut Microbiome

All of the autumn leaves have been raked and bagged, the outdoor temperatures are falling, and there just might be some snow in time to grant your wish for a white Christmas. Carols play at every store, cheerful lights brighten houses, and yummy smells of our favorite holiday foods fill the air. There’s no mistaking…

Sail through the Holidays with (and in spite of) IBD

All of the autumn leaves have been raked and bagged, the outdoor temperatures are falling, and there just might be some snow in time to grant your wish for a white Christmas. Carols play at every store, cheerful lights brighten houses, and yummy smells of our favorite holiday foods fill the air. There’s no mistaking…

Lifestyle Hacks for Preventing (or Lessening) Acid Reflux Symptoms

It’s a feeling most people will experience at least once in their lifetimes, though for some it will become a daily occurrence. People use different ways to describe it: heartburn, indigestion, and sour stomach are some of the most common. Regardless of what they call it, there’s universal agreement that it’s not fun. Those feelings…

#GivingTuesday $1,000 Donation to Raleigh Rescue Mission

In the spirit of #GivingTuesday GastroIntestinal Healthcare has donated $1,000 to the Raleigh Rescue Mission. Giving Tuesday, often stylized as #GivingTuesday for purposes of hashtag activism, refers to the Tuesday after U.S. Thanksgiving in the United States. It is a movement to create an international day of giving at the beginning of the Christmas and…