Clinic Hours:
M/T/Thu (12:30pm-5pm),
Wed (7am-5pm)

Endoscopy Hours:

M/T/Thu (7am-12:45pm),
Fri (7am-2pm)

p 919.870.1311
f 919.881.0822


2011 Falls Valley Dr.
Suite 106
Raleigh NC 27615

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Archive for the ‘Gut Information’ Category

8 Lifestyle Choices that Combats Acid Reflux Disease

What is acid reflux disease, you ask? Let’s start with a quick biology lesson. Your lower esophageal sphincter (LES) is the valve that allows food to travel from your esophagus to your stomach, but not back up. Acid reflux disease, or GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), develops when the LES is damaged. Your stomach contains hydrochloric…

Interesting Facts About the Bacteria in Your Gut

Your gut micro-biome, otherwise known as the host of bacteria that live inside your gut, plays a fascinating role in your well-being. We have more bacteria living in our bodies that we have human cells. Luckily, most of these bacteria are helpful critters that protect us from diseases and helps us to digest food in…